The Patricia Trottier and Gwyn Morgan Student Essay Contest Winners 1st
The Manning Foundation along with C2C Journal, Institute for Liberal Studies, Generation Screwed and Aristotle Foundation for Public Policy were pleased to sponsor in 2023 the 1st Annual Patricia Trottier and Gwyn Morgan Student Essay Contest
Undergraduate Canadian students were invited to submit an essay (between 1,500 and 2,500 words) addressing a current political, cultural or economic topic broadly consistent with the tenets of classical liberalism and Western civilization which include the principles of free markets, democratic governance, individual liberty, reason, personal responsibility and freedom of conscience and expression. In the spirit of open inquiry and free expression the contest encouraged essays that challenge conventional orthodoxies.
The following five students were chosen by a panel to split $5,000 in prize money:
1. Nolan Albert – University of Calgary – The First-Past-the-Post Way of Voting is Better-than-the-Rest
2. Alicia Kardos – University of Toronto – Adam Smith’s “Saline Solution” for Canada’s Health Care System
3. Clayton DeMaine – Durham College – Epic Fail: The Liberals’ Online News Act Faceplant
4. Komleen Chawla – Simon Fraser University – Consumption of paper straws in fast food industries as a sustainable substitute for plastic straws
5. Peter Naus – University of Toronto – Canadian National Debt and its Economic Consequences