Troy Lanigan
Troy Lanigan is a consultant who works with clients supportive of limited-government principles in the fields of political advocacy and public policy reform.
Appointed president of the Manning Foundation for Democratic Education in 2019 he is also the CEO/Founder of the storytelling think tank Troy serves on the board of the Institute for Liberal Studies.
For 26 years Troy served in various capacities with the Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) including 10 as president. Highlights of his time included writing a book Fighting for Taxpayers: Battles Fought and Battles Ahead on occasion of the CTF’s 25th anniversary, helping found the campus-based initiative Generation Screwed and leading an expansion of revenues and staff resources that planted CTF representation in every region of the country.
Prior to the CTF Troy served as National Education Director for the Virginia-based Leadership Institute. Troy is a member of the Washington DC-based Atlas Network’s Council of Mentors.
Troy holds a degree in economics. He and his wife Erika live in Kelowna and have four adult children.