Hon. Monte Solberg, P.C., Principal
The Honourable Monte Solberg, P.C., brings an exceptional value proposition to clients of New West Public Affairs, ensuring they are on the right track to achieve real results.
As Member of Parliament (Medicine Hat) from 1993-2008, Monte served as Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, and as Minister of Human Resources and Social Development.
As a Minister, he focused his efforts on helping Canadians become more self-reliant. As Immigration Minister, he worked to help newcomers learn new skills, land jobs, and learn the values that have made Canada the great nation it is. As Human Resources Minister, he worked to help students, persons with disabilities, aboriginal people, and older workers, acquire the new skills that lead to good jobs. He oversaw efforts to bring about major reforms in Employment Insurance, Post-Secondary Education Funding, and Aboriginal Housing.
Monte continues to speak on public policy issues across Canada and internationally. He also serves as Acting Chair with the International Development Research Centre. Since 2008 he has provided communications, government relations and public affairs advice to some of Canada’s largest companies and organizations.